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Posts: 543
Joined: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:40 pm FAQ

Post by Ayana » FAQ

Welcome to the new, and slightly different, This document is subject to change.


As I have pointed out numerous times through private messages and e-mails, PLEASE avoid using the following e-mail services to register on the forums. They are very unreliable in terms of accepting e-mails sent from the forums, which will cause you problems when needing to activate your account.

  • Hotmail (@hotmail)
  • AOL (@aol)
Thank you!


As on the old forums, we will provide hosting for guild forums. We need one or two guild representatives to PM Lairiodd, and he will set you up as moderators of your guild forums, and leaders of the usergroup associated with them. This/these person(s) will also have to handle any additional users that need to be added to the guild forums.

If you need to have a forum (or subforum) created, Lairiodd is also the person to talk to.

Users: Requesting access
To request access to a guild forum, you must first be a registered user here at When you're logged in, do the following step-by-step.
  1. Go to the "User CP" section from the navigation menu.
  2. Click "Group Memberships" link in the menu on the left.
  3. Click "Join Group" link for the group you wish to join.
  4. Enter a reason for your join request and send your request.
  5. Wait for a groupleader to approve you.
Leaders: Granting access
If you're the leader of a usergroup, you will receive any requests sent by users wishing to join your usergroup. To approve pending requests to join your usergroup, you need to do the following step-by-step.
  1. Go to the "User CP" section from the navigation menu.
  2. Click "Group Memberships" link in the menu on the left.
  3. If there are any requests to join, click "Review Join Requests".
  4. Choose the appropriate action and click "Do Authorizations".
Please note: If you are unable to find the usergroup for your guild, the reason probably is no one contacted us to maintain it and therefore doesn't exist. If this is the case, and you want private forums for your guild, find a person or two (preferably GM/Officer) who are willing to maintain the guild usergroup, get them to register here at if they haven't already, and have them send a PM to Lairiodd and he will set it up.

Calendar hotlinking

When hotlinking to threads and/or posts from the Calendar, please use either [thread] or [post] tags instead of the [url] tag. As the forums have multiple working domains pointing to it, using [url] tags to hotlink to threads or posts isn't really the best solution as you then force the user to use the specific domain you're linking to.

So please refer to the vB Code Manual on how to use the [thread] and [post] tags properly.


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