Ankh wrote:HappyG wrote:Its a simple calculation, really.
If you can buy same product from 2 companies with same price, you will choose the one that has a better reputation.
as HappyG said...and still some of you been around for years..doing loads of complaining.
Hey mate, wtf?! My argument was in favour of Mythic, and you used it for a counter argument
Anyway, if there would be a possibility to migrate characters to US, I believe there would be a significant % of people moving, even though such migrations are always uncertain because not all want to migrate, communities broke up, and so on...
So, the argument "why you play, why you dont go to US" etc. is not really valid. After you've put in so much time, thers simply no way you can change a provider for the game.
It's not like GOA's service is shit in general, after all DAoC is/was fun game to play. It's just that Mythic's service was better for same money, and thats what matters in the end.
Shareholders are the one that feel bad when company has problems, and they are the one, that get fine money, when company is successfull, customers only care for what they recieve for their money.
Satyn wrote:I only want to add that you are still talking about real ppl, not just a company.
If a woman that sits behind a supermarket cash box 6 days a week and half the sundays for €500 / month has to smile and treat me with care no matter how fucked up her day might be, than I expect that €2000 worth GOA's press release guy will do nice forum posts and take care for community even when this same community bash his company (and not him personaly!). Capitalism is a bitch, not many people have pleasant jobs, being press release and community guy for a gaming company is for sure one of better ones